What is ClickBank Affiliate Marketing

Heard of ClickBank yet? If you haven’t, you eventually will. You can’t be an affiliate marketer and not know about ClickBank. So what is ClickBank affiliate marketing? And why should you care? What is ClickBank, Exactly? ClickBank is an Affiliate Marketing Network. ClickBank is one of the many affiliate networks for you to find affiliate … Read more

How to Build a Website with WordPress – In Just 30 Seconds?

Welcome to How To Build a Website with WordPress.  There are many reasons to build a website today. You can build a website for your business products or services. You can build a blog for hobbies like cooking recipes, sewing patterns or recommended yoga poses. And you can create a website selling other people’s products.  … Read more

Affiliate Marketing Free Full Training + Bonus Guide

If you want to become an affiliate marketer, I have found an affiliate marketing free full training for you. This free full training course will teach you how to start affiliate marketing and how to grow your affiliate marketing business to make more sales and commissions. Full Free Affiliate Marketing Training Features: 100 Training Lessons … Read more

20 Reasons Why I Heart Affiliate Marketers

Reason 1: Because ya’ll rock! Reason 2: Ya’ll are smart. Reason 3: Ya’ll are kind. Reason 4: Ya’ll are patient. Reason 5: Ya’ll are helpful. Reason 6: Ya’ll are supportive. Reason 7: Ya’ll are resourceful. Reason 8: Ya’ll love affiliate marketing as much as I do. Reason 9: Ya’ll teach me new things everyday. Reason 10: Ya’ll … Read more

SEO Page Optimization Checklist

When it comes to executing affiliate marketing, you should always use a SEO Page Optimization Checklist to optimize your website content. SEO is one of the most important affiliate marketing strategies for beginners. So I created this handy checklist guide and SEO Page Optimization Checklist templates (at the bottom of this article) to help you … Read more

10 Affiliate Marketing Strategies for Beginners Success in 2020 and 2021

The key to becoming a good affiliate marketer is to leverage the right affiliate marketing strategies for beginners.  The way to do affiliate marketing successfully is a combination of mindset, productive daily habits, and marketing. Good strategies are the difference between being successful or not. Although this article is targeted to beginner affiliate marketers, these … Read more

11 Free Affiliate Marketing Courses on Udemy

These days, you can learn anything online. Training courses are EVERYWHERE. You can find free affiliate marketing courses, website marketing strategies, development training, and more. You can find training for any life topic you can think of. Programming Engineering Real estate Investment Stock trading Teaching Cooking Beer Brewing Wine Making And on and on… Just … Read more

What is the Best Free Affiliate Marketing Training?

When it comes to affiliate marketing training, training comes in many different forms. Learn how to be an affiliate marketer from online videos, step by step courses, certification programs, PDF downloads, Kindle eBooks, blogcasts, etc. Here are the 10 best free affiliate marketing training options to choose from today.