What is the Best Free Affiliate Marketing Training?

10 Best Free Affiliate Marketing Training
PDFs, Courses and Videos
To Learn How To Become An Affiliate Marketer

Hi there!

Can Google tell you what is the best free affiliate marketing training?

Search on Google and…

Google will return 71,000,000 results in 0.56 seconds.

That is 71 Million…

  • Pages offering you an affiliate marketing learning solution.
  • Options promising you the best way to learn affiliate marketing.
  • Results for you to research, investigate and choose from to find the best training for you.

That is a lot of results!

Do you have 71 MILLION options to become an affiliate marketer?

And, who wants to search through 71 Million Google search results?

Well, I did. I know. #craycray.


Maybe not all of 71 million…

But I went through many pages. What felt like hundreds of pages.

I researched your options.

As your Affiliate Marketing Informant, I am here to do this research for you 🙂

So, are there 71 Million best ways to learn affiliate marketing?


There are definitely hundreds of training options, if not thousands.

But every result shown is NOT the BEST free affiliate marketing course for you.



Affiliate Marketing Training is not always thorough or accurate.


Per my research, it is not the amount of the results that are overwhelming.

What is overwhelming is figuring out the best way to learn affiliate marketing.

Training comes in different mediums. And in many shapes, forms, sizes and sensory options.

You can watch videos or read books or listen to podcasts.

Training comes as:

  • online videos
  • step by step courses
  • certification programs
  • PDF downloads
  • Kindle eBooks
  • Blogcasts

So, I researched the results to find the best free affiliate marketing training for you.

I researched various training platforms including Udemy, Lynda and Skillshare. I also researched Amazon which has many books on the affiliate marketing topic.

So, what is my verdict?

What is the best free affiliate marketing training for you?

After intensive research, I found 10 BEST FREE TRAINING options for you to choose from.

Choose one from my top 3 choices or choose one from the entire list or choose to do them all.

Let’s review what you should know before you start any affiliate marketing training.

Who Is Affiliate Marketing Training For?

Use this list if you:

  • Are looking to learn affiliate marketing for beginners.
  • Want an affiliate marketing course free download.
  • Wish to learn the steps to becoming an affiliate marketer.
  • Long to learn how to make money online.
  • Are interested in learning online marketing skills.
  • Want your own piece of the internet.

How To Choose the Best Training For You?

Here are a few guidelines to follow when choosing which affiliate marketing training is right for you.

  1. Choose the type of training that best suits your learning style.
    1. If you are:
      1. are a reader, choose PDF guides and blog posts.
      2. are a video person, choose training videos.
      3. like a mix of media forms, choose a training solution that offers a variety of content types together.
        1. e.g. video + written explanation
        2. Most dedicated affiliate marketing training solutions use a mix of content types.
  2. Choose the training based on the amount of time you have. Some training will take more time than others.
    1. If you are:
      1. Looking for a quick guide into how affiliate marketing works, then the PDF guides will be a good start for you.
        1. The PDF guides tend to be short training sessions on how affiliate marketing works.
        2. They will give you a good idea if this affiliate marketing is something you want to pursue or not.
      2. Willing to invest in affiliate marketing as a long-term business venture, then the dedicated affiliate marketing training solutions will be better for you.
        1. The dedicated training platforms offer months to years worth of training plus dedicated tools you will need as an affiliate marketer. Having training, tools, and support in one place makes the whole process easier for you and prepares you for better success.
  3. Choose the training option based on what you want to do and what you want to learn.
    1. As mentioned above, PDFs tend to be introduction starter guides. You will read the information, learn from it and then go execute it somewhere.
    2. The all in one training, tools, and support solutions keep you from having to buy more tools and manage multiple accounts just to be an affiliate marketer.
    3. Worst case scenario, start out with the PDFs. Learn some information and decide if you want to keep learning with some of the dedicated affiliate marketing platforms.

Regardless of what guideline you follow, choose an option and stick with it until the training is completed. Then choose another option.

After all, life is a series of choices 🙂 These choices can help you become a successful online and affiliate marketer.

Now, buckle your seatbelts! You are about to receive tons of free information.

Here is your list for 10 best free affiliate marketing training courses in 2018-2019.

10 Best Free Affiliate Marketing Training 2019

  1. How Can I Start With Affiliate Marketing – Affiliate Marketing Informant
  2. Free Affiliate Marketing Lessons – Affilorama
  3. Online Entrepreneur Certification 10 Free Lessons – Wealthy Affiliate
  4. Quick Start Affiliate Marketing Free Guide – Affilorama
  5. Ultimate Guide to Affiliate Marketing – Charles Ngo
  6. Affiliate Marketing Foundations – Lynda.com
  7. Ultimate Guide To Creating Passive Income Affiliate Stores Free Course – Udemy
  8. The Affiliate Marketing Free Marketing Course – Lead Pages
  9. Affiliate Marketing For Beginners Free Tutorial – Skillshare
  10. The Beginner’s Affiliate Marketing Blueprint Free Kindle Book – Amazon

Lets deep dive into your free affiliate marketing training options 🙂

Heads up: Some of the links within this post are affiliate links in which I receive a small compensation for a sale, only if you buy training upgrades. Learn why here. But do not worry. All of these training options below are legit free options. You won’t pay any money for these starter resources 🙂 

1. Free Affiliate Marketing Guide by Affiliate Marketing Informant

Free Affiliate Marketing Guide

This is my #1 Recommended Training Guide for Beginners

Creator: Kim Wolfe, Your Affiliate Marketing Informant

Rating: 4.0

Content Type: Blog Post

Read Time: 1 Hour

Pros: A very thorough reading guide on affiliate marketing. Completely free to read. No email required.

Cons: You will use multiple websites to learn and build out your own affiliate marketing business which can be challenging for some folks.

Summary: Okay, I may seem bias to include my guide in this list. But, if you want to learn how to do affiliate marketing, this is your perfect guide to start with. You can’t beat this completely free guide. No email required! Most of the other free training options in this list require an email address.

The Free Affiliate Marketing Guide by me provides you with an extensive breakdown of how to become an affiliate marketer.

You will learn what affiliate marketing really is, what it takes to be a successful affiliate marketer and what actions each step requires. Every step also provides recommended resources and tools to help you achieve your own successes.

This Free Affiliate Marketing Guide will cover multiple topics related to affiliate marketing including:

  1. The Definition of Affiliate Marketing
  2. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
  3. The Anatomy of Affiliate Marketing
  4. Website Design for Affiliate Marketing
  5. Free and Paid Tools and Training Solutions

You will learn how to:

  • get started with affiliate marketing
  • find the right training course
  • choose a profitable niche
  • design a website for affiliate marketing
  • find the right affiliate products
  • launch an affiliate website
  • rinse and repeat to launch more affiliate marketing businesses
  • answer the most frequently asked questions about affiliate marketing

For the rating, I gave my own work a 4 and not a 5, because there is always room to improve. No training is perfect, including mine. But, for getting started, this training guide is the best free

That is life how works anyway 🙂

What makes this Free Affiliate Marketing Guide unique is:

  • You will receive a very thorough 15 step breakdowns of what you need to do for affiliate marketing. All other free guides only breakdown affiliate marketing into 4 steps.
  • You won’t find this type of breakdown guide anywhere else on the internet.

How to access: To access this free affiliate marketing guide by me, just click the link below. No email required. The guide is very long. Bookmark these links so you can come back to it as needed.

2. Online Entrepreneur Certification Free Lessons and Website by Wealthy Affiliate

This is my #1 Recommended Free Training Course

Creators: Kyle and Carson, Affiliate Marketers and co-founders of Wealthy Affiliate

Rating: 4.2

Content Type: Video Course with Written Tutorials

Training Time: 1 – 2 Weeks. Estimated. Depends on how fast you move through the 10 tutorials.

Pros: You will get free training and build a free affiliate marketing website at the same time, using Wealthy Affiliate’s free website builder tools.

Cons: You get 10 free videso for free. Although Wealthy Affiliate offers 500+ training videos, tutorials, webinars, informative blog posts and tons of great marketing tools, you will need to pay for premium membership to access all of them.

Summary: The Free Online Entrepreneur Certification training by Wealthy Affiliate is a 10 lesson training series on how to get started in affiliate marketing.

The best part about this free training course is that you will actually build a free website too. You will learn how to build a WordPress website and get it ready to recommend products from affiliate programs.

The Free Online Entrepreneur Certification training course topics will cover how to:

  1. Get started
  2. Make money online
  3. Choose a niche
  4. Build a free WordPress website
  5. Setup your website and basic content
  6. Optimize your website for search engines
  7. Research keywords
  8. Plan a 5 post content schedule

You will learn how to:

  • Leverage the 4 step process to success online
  • Earn money from affiliate marketing
  • Choose the what affiliate products to recommend
  • Setup a WordPress website for the first time
  • Manage your WordPress website
  • Create website pages and a content schedule
  • Use SiteContent to manage of all of your website content

Wealthy Affiliate’s training comes with some cool features that most other training options do not.

Train with Wealthy Affiliate and utilize the smart training menu and a task checker to keep you organized.

Use the smart training menu to easily pick up where you left off within the training. And use the task checker to keep up with the tasks to complete for each lsesson.

If want to become a really experienced affiliate marketer, you will eventually need to pay for the premium Wealthy Affiliate membership. The premium plan will help you learn how to make your website successful so that it earns commissions.

Wealthy Affiliate requires you to pay for more extensive training where Affiorama covers many advanced topics completely free.

What makes the Online Entreprenuer Certification Free Lessons by Wealthy Affiliate unique is:

  1. Free training includes a free secure website. Build an affiliate marketing website with Wealthy Affiliate’s free tools, while you learn.
  2. Free training includes a smart menu and task checker to guide you through the training course and the required steps to do along with the training.
  3. Includes free affiliate tools such as the WordPress website builder, keyword researcher, affiliate program finder, content writing platform and site feedback system.
  4. Get help through support forums and group discussions on specific topics and training sections.

How to access: Sign up for a free account at Wealthy Affiliate. Once you are a free member, you will receive a personal email from me on how to access your free training.

Wealthy Affiliate is the paid training course I personally use.

Pro Tip: Paid training is usually the best investment for long term success. Decide to pay for training, Wealthy Affiliate is the best paid training option. You will get tools, training and support from one place, for much cheaper than Affilorama’s paid products. Start out with free and upgrade as you grow.

3. 100 Free Affiliate Marketing Lessons by Affilorama

This is my #2 Recommended Free Training Course

Creator: Mark Ling, Affiliate Marketer and owner of Affilorama

Rating: 4.5

Content Type: Video Course with Written Tutorials

Training Time: 3 – 6 Months. Estimated. Depends on how fast you move through the 100 tutorials.

Pros: Affilorama offers the most free training on affiliate marketing in one place. 100 free video lessons. You will not find this amount of free affiliate and internet marketing training all in one place, anywhere else on the web.

Cons: Some videos will teach you outdated marketing strategies and you will receive many emails to buy paid Affilorama products.

Summary: Affilorama offers the best free affiliate marketing training in one place. You will not find this much free content in one place, anywhere else on the internet. Not even on YouTube!

Affilorama’s 100 free affiliate marketing lessons is organized in these sections:

  1. Introduction to affiliate marketing
  2. Market research
  3. Content creation
  4. Site building
  5. Marketing ideas
  6. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  7. Pay Per Click (PPC)
  8. Affiliate Outsourcing

This free affiliate marketing training will teach you:

  • the basic process of affiliate marketing
  • good reasons to become an affiliate
  • how to identify other affiliate websites for real life examples
  • how to do proper research
  • where to find website hosting
  • how to setup an affiliate marketing website
  • different ways to drive traffic to your website
  • how drive traffic with paid ads
  • how to outsource needs for your affiliate marketing businesses

Preview Affilorama’s training with this introduction video to Affiliate Marketing For Beginners:

Watch this 2 minute video to learn how to access Affilorama’s free training:

The bad and the ugly of Affilorama’s free affiliate marketing training…

In learning what is Affilorama about, you will learn marketing strategies that considered outdated and NOT best practice.

One example is of this scenario is backlinking.

Backlinking is the art of getting other websites to link to your website, which can help search engines like Google give you better search engine results rankings.

Backlinks are considered to be a vital part of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) which is optimizing your website to appear when people search for specific terms that are related to your content.

However, Backlinking is a pretty big debate between affiliate marketers. Some marketers swear by the backlink technique. Other marketers say they have built successful affiliate websites without a backlinking strategy.

Regardless if you decide to pursue this strategy or not, some practices taught in Affilorama’s free training are considered bad ways to get backlinks and some are even against Google’s terms of service.

A strategy of the past is getting links from free or paid company directories.

The idea is that you could find free places to link to your website that would count as a backlink. This strategy no longer works.

Using directories for the sheer sake of getting a links back to your website can hurt your website more than it can help these days.

To learn how to do backlinking the right way, check out this completely free backlink guide from well known SEO marketer, Brian Dean.

When you go through Affilorama’s free affiliate marketing training for beginners, you should only implement strategies that benefit your website viewers.

Some strategies may offer short term results and then lose their value.

For anyone who tries the “game” the internet system, Google, search engines, social media networks, etc. can change their algorithms anytime which can penalize your site and hinder your website traffic.

No traffic = no affiliate sales = no affiliate commissions.

You do not make any money without traffic!


Do everything you do for the people you want to help.

These people are the people that will come to your website business seeking information and solutions to their problems.

If you learn a strategy that is just for the benefit of your website, the strategy will not likely not help you build traffic long term.

You will hear of these strategies referred to as black hat SEO techniques. Black hat is bad. White hat SEO techniques is good. White is the right way. Black is the wrong way.

Also, once you sign up for the free Affilorama training videos with your email address, you will recieve tons of emails to upgrade to a paid Affilorama product offering. These upsells will be relentless and do not stop until you buy or opt out.

If you are willing to work through these not so good things, you will certainly get a great thorough introduction to affiliate marketing and learn how to build your affiliate website at the same time.

You can leverage the fourms to connect with other affiliate marketers, ask questions and learn what to do and what not to do.

If you are ok piece-milling your affiliate marketing training together, these 100 free affiliate marketing training videos are your surest free bet!

As a recap, what makes the Free Affiliate Marketing Lessons by Affilorama unique is:

  1. The most free affiliate marketing training on the web in one place.
  2. Extensive training with 100 training videos and written tutorials
  3. Free forum to learn from other affiliate marketers, ask questions and get help anytime

This is why I give Affilorama’s free affiliate marekting training 4.5 stars. You really won’t find this amount of training free anywhere else.

How to access: You can preview the training completely free. No email address required to preview the training. To access all 100 training videos, you will sign up for a completely free Affilorama account with your email.

If you want to learn about Affilorama’s paid products, check my AffiloJetpack review. You will get links to 5 more free downloads and training webinars, in addition to the 100 free affiliate marketing lessons.

4. Free Quick Start Affiliate Marketing Report by Affilorama

Creator: Affilorama

Rating: 4.0

Content Type: PDF Download

Read Time: 38 Minutes

Pros: Teaches you how to find good affiliate products on ClickBank. ClickBank is a popular affiliate marketing network that offers a variety of affiliate products for you to recommend.

Cons: You will be recommended to setup your website with a 3rd party hosting provider, and not in the same platform as your training. It will be easier for you to use one platform to learn and build a website at the same time.

Summary: The Affilorama Quick Start Affiliate Marketing Report is a great free read. You will be introduced to affiliate marketing and learn some tips and tricks used by the founder of Affilorama, Mark Ling.

The Quick Start Affiliate Marketing Report chapters include:

  1. What is affiliate marketing?
  2. The 4 steps to building a successful affiliate website
  3. Tips for succeeding as an affiliate
  4. Affiliate marketing pitfalls you need to avoid
  5. What to put on your website?
  6. Email marketing
  7. Getting visitors to your website
  8. How to make more sales

This free affiliate marketing training for beginners report will teach you:

  • Benefits of affiliate marekting
  • What skills you need to become an affiliate marketer
  • How much costs you’ll need for investment
  • What mistakes you want to avoid
  • How to find a good affiiate product to recommend on ClickBank
  • How many products to recommend for success
  • The advantages of an evergreen niche
  • The importance of email marketing
  • How to get traffic to your website
  • Website design tips to increase sales

What makes the Quick Start Affiliate Marketing Guide by Affilorama unique is:

  1. Comes with the 100 Free Affiliate Marketing Lessons by Affilorama. Sign up for a free Affilorama account to receive this PDF report and access the free training video tutorials.
  2. You will learn how to use ClickBank. Affiliates pay money to use ClickBank because it is a popular affiliate network. You can learn ClickBank for free.

How to access: Just sign up for a free Affilorama account. Once you are logged into your Affilorama account, you will see this report in your dashboard to access and download.

Get started with my #1 recommended training course today. Learn more at: Wealthy Affiliate.

5. Ultimate Guide to Affiliate Marketing by Charles Ngo

Creator: Charles Ngo, An Affiliate Marketer

Rating: 4.0

Content Type: PDF Download

Training Time: 2.5 hours

Pros: This training is one of the most comprehensive free affiliate marketing reads you will find for free. This training is 243 pages long. When you sign up to receive this training, you will receive access to 6 other training guides completely free too.

Cons: The guide will recommend you upgrade to the Super Affiliate Intensive in person training which has been discontinued.

Summary: This Ultimate Guide to Affiliate Marketing will teach you how to launch affiliate marketing campaigns using different types of marketing strategies and methods. This free guide includes tutorials, examples, guides and tool recommendations to be an affiliate marketer.

The PDF contains 32,000 words which makes this the longest free training offered in this list! Also, this training was created in 2017 so it is more recent than some of the other free trainings listed below.

The Ultimate Guide to Affiliate Marketing free training will cover topics:

  • Frequently asked questions
  • Mindsets to Affliate Marketing success
  • Affliate networks
  • Free vs. paid traffc options
  • Finding the right offers for your campaigns
  • Ads & copywriting
  • Unique angles to Affliate Marketing angles

You will learn the:

  • Big picture of what an affiliate marketer does
  • Affiliate Marketing business model
  • Real focus of affiliate marketing, marketing
  • The way to use landing pages as your salesman
  • 21 point checklist to creating a landing page

What makes the Ultimate Guide to Affiliate Marketing unique is:

  • It is one of the most comprehensive free PDF training downloads I have found yet
  • It explains technical topics very well with simple to understand analogies

Pro Tip: Just keep in mind that this guide will teach you to setup your website with different 3rd party companies. If you use Wealthy Affiliate, you will be able to build your website with their free tools, in the same place as your training.

How to access: Provide your email address. You will get access to 7 total trainings, checklists and help sheets.

6. Affiliate Marketing Foundations on Lynda

Creator: Evgenii “Geno” Prussakov, Lynda Author

Rating: 3.9

Content Type: Video Course

Training Time: 2.5 Hours

Pros: This training provides you with a ton of free links, examples and resources for you to use. This training also comes with a set of downloadable exercise files. With the free 1 month trial, you can access this course and all of the other affiliate marketing related courses that Lynda has to offer.

Cons: This content was produced in 2014 which makes some of the content and statistics out of date. Also, you have to sign up for the 1 month free trial of Lynda to access this course. And, at the end of your free Lynda trial, you will either pay the $29.99 monthly fee to continue access to the trainings or cancel your account.

Summary: Affiliate Marketing Foundations is a good starter course to learn the whys and whats of Affiliate Marketing.

This free training provides really good statstics, numbers to support why affiliate marketing continues to grow as a option for you. You will also find really good resources (e.g. downloads, links to websites, important information, etc.) for you to keep on hand as you continue to learn the ins and outs of affiliate marketing.

This Affiliate Marketing Foundations free training course will cover:

  1. How 40% of affiliate marketings makes less than $5,000 a year…
  2. What startup costs you need to become an affiliate
  3. Key concepts to affiliate programs
  4. The different types of promotional methods for your recommendations
  5. How to track, report and learn from your progress
  6. Understanding affiliate terms and conditions of affiliate agreements
  7. How to open an affiliate account

You will learn how to:

  • To forecast potential earnings with examples scenarios
  • To do affiliate marketing the right way by adding value
  • Monetize (ie. make money from) your website in different ways
  • Leverage data feeds, coupons, deals, mobile, social and email to drive traffic

Watch the training preview video for free here:

What makes the Affiliate Marketing Foundations on Lynda.com unique is:

  1. The downloadable resources you get with the training videos
  2. The inclusion of data statistics, earnings and forecasts information
  3. The information on leveraging data feeds

How to access: Sign up for a 1 month free trial of Lynda.com. And take as many training courses within the free trial timeframe.

7. Free Affiliate Marketing Master Class Step By Step Guide on Udemy

Creator: Liaqat Eagle, Udemy Instructor

Rating: 3.8

Content Type: Video Course

Training Time: 1 Hour

Pros: Provides more in-depth training than just how affiliate marketing works. You will learn terminology you will need to know as an affiliate marketer. You will also learn in-depth strategies to drive traffic to your affiliate websites.

Cons: You will need to understand the basics of affiliate marketing before take this training course. Read one of the free PDF guides listed above and then go through this training.

Summary: This Free Affiliate Marketing Master Class Step By Step Guide training course on Udemy is a great short video course to learn the basics of what it takes to be a successful affiliate marketer.

This free affiliate marketing video training course will cover these topics:

  1. Picking niches for best Return On Investment (ROI)
  2. Picking The Right Affiliate Program To Maximize The Conversions
  3. Creating a conversion system
  4. Traffic generation strategies including SEO, backlins, social media, forums and more
  5. Optimizting your website for the traffic

You will learn:

  • Modern affiliate marketing strategies and techniques
  • How to approach affiliate marketing differently
  • Common mistakes that can run your affiliate business
  • What it takes to become a top affiliate
  • How to drive traffic to your offers
  • How to use social media to drive traffic to your website

What makes the Free Affiliate Marketing Master Class Step By Step Guide on Udemy unique is:

  1. You will get a very thorough overview of traffic builders for your site. Traffic is the bread and butter to your commissions as an affiliate.

How to access: Just sign up for a free Udemy account. Once you are logged in, click the link below to find this particular training.

BUTTON: Free Affiliate Marketing Master Class Step By Step Guide

Pro Tip: Udemy has many free trainings. Check out 11 Free Affiliate Marketing Courses on Udemy.

8. Free Affiliate Marketing System by LeadPages

Free Affiliate Marketing Training By LeadPages

Creator: Bob Jenkins, LeadPages Marketing Educator

Rating: 3.7

Content Type: Video Course with written transcripts and PDF resource downloads

Training Time: 80 Minutes

Pros: This affiliate marketing training is targeted to business owners who already own a store, a product or have some sort of business setup. You can watch the entire video training course from one web page. No email required. Just use the link below. Or provide your email to get access to the downloadable training which includes the videos, transcripts reads for each video, handouts, checklists, mind map and resource guides.

Cons: This training is not designed for the absolute beginner affiliate marketer who is starting from scratch. And you the training incorporates how to use the LeadPages software to implement the strategies taught.

Summary: The free Affiliate Marketing System training course is a 11 video course designed for an industry expert who has an existing product or service. This course is also designed for someone who wants to generate more revenue without much work.

This affiliate marketing training assumes you already have existing customers and you are not starting from scratch. This course is not designed for you to rely on 100% of your revenue to be from affiliate marketing. It is designed that affiliate marketing will be only a subset of your revenue and income.

This free affiliate marketing video training course will cover these topics:

  1. Profitable promotions foundations
  2. What is working in affiliate marketing today
  3. How to measure success
  4. Promotion strategies you can implement in 5 minutes
  5. Leverage resource pages and guides to build email lists and followers
  6. Templates you can leverage for your affiliate marketing offers
  7. Advanced promotional strategies

You will learn:

  • 10 Tips on how to choose affiliate products to recommend
  • How to choose the top 5 tools to recommend to all business owners
  • Why you want to create redirect your links for your affiliate products
  • Simple tactics to share your recommendations and help build your affiliate revenue
  • Promotional quickies which include website banners, social media posts, etc.

Watch the Introduction to Affiliate Marketing System video now…

What makes the Affiliate Marketing System free training unique is:

  • You can access all of the training from one web page. All 11 videos are embedded on the page so you can access them without an email signup or account login.
  • You can download the entire course that includes the videos, transcripts, audio files, handouts, templates, tracking dashboards and more guides to use throughout your affiliate marketing journey.

How to access: Just click the link below. You can watch all 11 videos without any account sign up or email address exchange. You can provide your email address to download the entire course which includes the videos, audio, transcripts and additional resource. I recommend the download because you get access to affiliate marketing references, checklists and guides for your affiliate marketer journey.

9. Free Affiliate Marketing For Beginners Training on Skillshare

Creator: Greg Gottfried, Skillshare Teacher

Rating: 3.5

Content Type: Video Course

Training Time: 36 minutes

Pros: A basic short overview course on affiliate marketing and how to get started with affiliate marketing.

Cons: Requires signup to a monthly free trial to access the entire 36 minute course. This is a pretty big requirement for a 36 minute training…

Summary: This Affiliate Marketing For Beginners training will teach how to make passive income online through affiliate marketing.

Skillshare is a similiar training center like Udemy and Lynda. You can access multiple training video courses on affiliate marketing and any creative topic.

The Free Affiliate Marketing For Beginners Training on Skillshare covers topics:

  1. Affiliate Marketing Introduction
  2. Finding A Profitable Niche
  3. Finding Profitable Keywords
  4. Finding Affiliate Offers
  5. Niche Website Setup
  6. Creating Content

You will learn how to:

  • Find a profitable niche for your website
  • Find keywords that will rank for search results on Google
  • Finding affiliate offers
  • Create your own affiliate website
  • Create good content

There is not anything unique about this course besides being on Skillshare. You will learn very similiar strategies and content from the other trainings listed above.

How to access: Sign up for a free Skillshare account. Use my link below to get 2 free months instead of just 1. You can maximize your training by taking as many training courses within in your free months. Then you can decide to pay monthly or cancel your subscription.

Pro Tip: Udemy doesn’t required a paid monthly subscription. Check out 11 Free Affiliate Marketing Courses on Udemy.

10. The Beginner’s Affiliate Marketing Blueprint Free Kindle Book on Amazon

Creator: Alex Marketing, Amazon Author
Rating: 3.5
Content Type: Kindle Ebook
Training Time: 1 hour

Pros: This free training is easy to take, read and learn anywhere. A digital Kindle book can be accessed from the Kindle app from any device you own from wherever you are. You can easily learn on the go with this free book.

Cons: The book warns that some of the information and strategies may not work today because of the fast changes in internet marketing. Also watch out for the promise of earning $10,000 in commissions fast. These figures do not come fast. You will have to put forth consistent effort, money investments and time commitments to make any money at all with affiliate marketing.

Summary: The Beginner’s Affiliate Marketing Blueprint Free Kindle Book is an easy to follow, short reading guide to learn how to do affiliate marketing.

When you read this guide, remember to check “who benefits” with the strategies taught. And do more research on Google to find out this strategy is good to do or not.

For example, the use of solo ads can cause a debate between affiliate marketers. Some will say this works. Some will say this is strategy is not recommended.

The strategy that I personally use is to confirm that my audience will benefit from the strategy, try it and measure it’s success. You want to be careful to not get into any trouble but you also never know until you try it, right? That’s how I look at affiliate marketing anyways.

At the end of the day, you are ultimately responsible for your actions as an affiliate marketer.

The Beginner’s Affiliate Marketing Blueprint Free Kindle Book will cover topics:

  • Advantages to starting an affiliate marketing business
  • Free ways to get started (you are off to a good start here 🙂
  • Creating high converting landing pages
  • Link tracking and success measuring
  • Email marketing funnel system and template

You will learn how to:

  • Recommend different types of products as an affiliate
  • The different components that create a successful affiliate marketing campaign
  • Leverage a squeeze landing page to collect emails
  • Collect email addresses to build your own list

How to access: Just sign up for a free amazon account and download the free Kindle app to your devices. That’s it.

What’s Next?

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