CB Passive Income Elite Review – The DFY Way to Make Money Online?

Hey! Thanks for checking out my CB Passive Income Elite Review!

Let’s face it.

There are SO many affiliate marketing training courses available to you today.

Seriously. Way TOO many!

CB Passive Income Elite is just ONE of what seems like hundreds of options you can choose from.

And, CBIE claims to have helped 2,892 customers make money online. 

The big question is, can you be success number 2,983? 

CB Passive Income Elite Review

What is CB Passive Income Elite Review?

CB Passive Income Elite is a combination of affiliate marketing training and tools for ClickBank Affiliate Marketing.

This product teaches you how to earn money by recommending other people’s products, aka affiliate marketing.

You will learn how to leverage the ClickBank affiliate program and promote ClickBank products as an affiliate.

This training is similar to ClickBank University, created by different ClickBank affiliate marketers.

The CB Passive Income Elite training program focuses on these strategies:

  • Email marketing
  • Social traffic

Who’s behind this course and why it matters?

Patric Chan is the creator behind CB Passive Income. He is a top earner on ClickBank.com. 

You will learn the same affiliate and marketing strategies that Patric uses to be a super affiliate himself.

CB Passive Income Elite Review Overview

Product Name: CB Passive Income Elite
Product Creators: Patric Chan
Product Categories: DFY, Affiliate Marketing Training, Landing Page Builder
Strategies: Affiliate Marketing, Email Marketing, Sales Funnels, Solo Ads, Facebook Ads
Product Objective: To help people make money from promoting ClickBank affiliate products. 
Price: $497 one time payment (Currently offering a discount for $297)
Free Trial or Free Version: No
Upsells: Contentaire Private Label License Package for $97, L1nk Track for $11.60
Additional Costs: Email marketing tool, Paid Traffic (Solo Ads, Facebook Ads)
Similar to: ClickBank Breaks the Internet, ClickBank University
Who it is for: Anyone who wants to learn advanced marketing strategies to make money from promoting ClickBank products.

CB Passive Income Elite in “Just 3 Steps”

CB Passive Income Elite Review Details

The CB Passive Income System claims these are the 3 key steps to making passive income online:

  1. Create a webpage with a free give away to capture the email leads
  2. Produce free high-quality content for your subscribers
  3. Promote ClickBank affiliate products to your subscribers to generate affiliate commissions

The CB Passive Income System is built with these steps in mind. 

It’s built on the DFY (Done-For-You) concept to include exact webpages and email copy with pre-chosen affiliate offers. 

You take all of the pre-created content and just focus on one thing.


In the training, you will learn how to drive traffic to those offers so you can make affiliate commissions.

With the CB Passive Income System Elite system, the idea is that you don’t need to:

  • Find affiliate programs to promote
  • Create your own landing pages
  • Write email copy and sales letters
  • Offer customer service
  • Create or manage a website

These steps are already done for you. 

Free Online Workshop

Now is a good time to learn more from Patric.

Check out this free online workshop to learn more about the strategies taught inside CB Passive Income Elite.

In this free workshop, you will learn:

  • Patric’s 3 secrets to CB Passive Income’s success
  • The untold truth for the top four niches and what you need to know about them before you choose them
  • Which niches people are NOT spending high dollars on
  • The most effective type of marketing (according to Patric Chan) to make the most amount of affiliate commissions
CB Passive Income Elite Free Online Workshop

What makes CB Passive Income ELITE Unique?

There are 4 things that make CB Passive Income Elite different from every other affiliate marketing training product out there. 

1. Patric Chan is a ClickBank Platinum Award Winner

Patric Chan is one of the few most successful marketers earning from ClickBank today.

He won the prestigious ClickBank Platinum award in 2020. Which means, he’s in the top 1% of ClickBank earners.  

If you want to learn from someone who does affiliate marketing himself, then Patric is a good choice. 

Pro Tip: CB Passive Income is just one of the many digital products Patric has created. You can grab his free 100-page book and video training on how he earns a 100% profit margin from the digital product business model. Grab this while it’s free. Book currently sells for $14.99 on Amazon. 

Patric Chan's Free Book and Video

2. CB Passive Income has been around for 7 years

A digital product that is still in existence after 7 years is a good sign! 

Due to people’s high expectations and super-fast development of technology advancements, a crappy product just won’t last.

CB Passive Income has been around since 2013. There have been 6 different versions of CBI over the years.  

CB Passive Income Evolution Timeline

Here’s the timeline for CB Passive Income evolution period:

  • 2013: CB Passive Income 1.0
  • 2014: CBI 2.0
  • 2015: CBI 3.0
  • 2017: CBI 4.0
  • 2018: CBI 5.0
  • 2019: CB Passive Income Elite

In 2019, CB Passive Income ELITE was born, which is the most improved version yet.

CB Passive Income Elite Eliminates Previous Complaints

CBI Elite completely replaces all of the previous versions. 

The biggest complaints with CB Passive Income were:

  1. All of the content had Patric Chan’s branding (emails came from Patric Chan)
  2. You didn’t keep the leads for continued revenue generation (Patric captured all of your leads)

The latest ELITE version has eliminated these complaints. 

The newest elite product offers you more personalization and branding options than previous versions. And the emails will come from you and stay with you. 

You also get additional coaching and training options, which were also not included before. 

Pro Tip: Continued improvement over time is a good thing for you. Because this means you are getting taught the latest marketing strategies and leveraging the latest technology advancements.

3. The #1 Affiliate Marketing product in ClickBank

CB Passive Income was previously listed as the #1 Affiliate Marketing product in ClickBank.

This means it was the highest-selling ClickBank product in the internet marketing category.

Being #1 is quite an accomplishment, considering there 1000’s of internet marketing products on ClickBank.

One of the biggest reasons for this is, the original CB Passive Income product was built around promoting CBI as the affiliate product.

You were taught how to promote this product to people who want to learn how to make money online. 

The latest ELITE product allows you to promote more affiliate offers than just the CB Passive Income product.

4. A DFY Clone System with Software

CB Passive Income Elite is not just a training course.

Not only will you learn how to promote affiliate products, but you will also get tools, templates, and guides to clone the exact systems Patric uses himself. 

This is where the Done-For-You (DFY) comes in. 

It enables you to replicate Patric’s system and duplicate his techniques and methods, that have put in him the top 1% of ClickBank marketers. 

You will be provided with pre-created landing pages, sales funnels and email swipes to help you start promoting affiliate offers faster.

All of this can lead to making affiliate commissions faster.

CB Passive Income Elite Review Product Features

The CB Passive Income Elite product is organized into 5 components

Each component consists of training, tools and/or content to make CBIE what it is today.

Here’s a closer look inside what you get if you buy CB Passive Income Elite.

1. Affiliate Marketing Training

The first CB Passive Income Elite component is training

You will learn the basics of how affiliate marketing works and how to drive traffic to your affiliate offers to make sales. 

In CB Passive Income Elite component #1, you get these four training modules:

  1. Elite System Walkthrough – Get your business up and running within 7 days
  2. Monetization Strategies – Learn how to make money online with ClickBank and other methods
  3. Proven Traffic Formulas – See Patric’s traffic sources, ads and swipe files for targeted traffic
  4. Next Level Affiliate Strategies – Gain insights on advanced affiliate marketing strategies for increased commissions

This training component takes four weeks to complete.

Once you complete the four training modules, you will receive four additional online coaching classes.

2. Done-For-You Webpages

The second CB Passive Income Elite component is pre-built web pages

With done for you web pages, you do not have to create your own web/landing pages to promote your affiliate offers.

 You will literally clone Patric’s personally designed web pages that have made him money. 

In CB Passive Income Elite component #2, you get:

  • 4 pre-designed, pre-built, ready to go web pages to use
  • Built-in free content offers to entice your traffic to sign up to your email list
  • Included web hosting so these pages are accessible online
  • Performance and conversion tracking for your page
  • White Label branding so the pages will be from and by you

The done for you websites save you time, which allows you to start promoting your offers faster. 

3. Done For You Content Giveaways

The third CB Passive Income Elite component is the Content Engine Software

You will be given access to 50 reports and ebooks you can customize with your affiliate links. 

These reports and ebooks are used as a giveaway in exchange for a person’s email address.

With done for you content, you do not have to create content to giveaway to your email subscribers. 

This step is already done for you. You choose from Patric has already created.

In CB Passive Income Elite component #3, you get these content engine software features:

  • 50 DFY reports and ebooks to giveaway 
  • Content promoting internet marketing and online (MMO) business niches 
  • Pre-chosen affiliate products within the content
  • Easy customization to brand with your own website URL
  • Customized with your ClickBank ID if it’s a ClickBank product

4. Email Swipe Files

The fourth CB Passive Income Elite component is the Email Swipe Files Library

You get access to a library of 200+ emails pre-written emails. 

With done for you email content, you do not have to write your own emails to send to your subscribers after they opt-in to receive content from you.

You just use what Patric has already created and uses within his own email lists. 

This step can save you lots of time and money that you would spend on these tasks otherwise. 

In CB Passive Income Elite component #4, you get:

  • 200+ pre-written emails 
  • Easily copy and paste in your email marketing software
  • Included affiliate offers to promote
  • Included free reports to give away for free

5. Done-For-You Funnels

The fourth CB Passive Income Elite component is the done for you funnels

If you think funnels are complicated, this product component is designed to help make this part easier. 

 You will literally clone Patric’s personally created funnels that he uses himself. 

With done for you funnels, you don’t need to do this step yourself. 

In CB Passive Income Elite component #5, you get:

  • Pre-built funnels to use
  • Instant connection to the pre-designed web pages 
  • Show any of your own preferred “thank you” page

6. Limited Time Bonuses

Buy CB Passive Income Elite today, and you will also get these additional bonuses, valued over $4,000. 

  1. Access to the Private Facebook Group Access – Get help from other CBIE’ers when you need it most
  2. Marketing Page Builder 2.0 Tool – Click & build website builder to create your own webpages
  3. Social Strategic 2.0 Online Class – Learn additional strategies and secrets of Facebook ads
  4. Solo Ads Sellers Rolodex – a list of 100 email ad sellers to drive traffic to your email sign up offers
  5. CB Super Affiliate Coaching – 60 additional training videos to learn how to become a ClickBank Super Affiliate
  6. Free upgrades for 2 Years – Access to all upgrades that happen over a 2-year time span

A Side note: The CB Super Affiliate Coaching program is suppsedly selling for $997 at superaffiliate.training. But that website domain is not working at the time of this review. So hard to tell if this is actually true. Some of the content on this page is already out of date. 

7. Basic Email Autoresponder

Since you learn how to make affiliate commissions through email marketing, you will be encouraged to purchase email marketing campaign software. 

An email service provider or autoresponder can cost you anywhere from $10 – $35 a month. This service will be an additional cost on top of the purchase of the CB Passive Income Elite training product. 

If you do not already have an autoresponder, you can use the provided AutomationCart Responder.

You’ll get 10,000 email broadcast credits for free. Once you’ve sent 10,000 emails, you’ll be required to pay additional costs for continued service.  


  • Training Videos
  • Support PDFs and guides
  • Web page builder 
  • Web page hosting 
  • Done For You Content
  • Basic Email Campaign Autoresponder (with limited free credits)

See CB Passive Income Elite For Yourself 

Watch the walkthrough video. Patric takes you inside the product for a personal tour of how it all works.

CB Passive Income Elite Review Product Demo

Once you click the image above, scroll down to the middle of the page to find the walkthrough video.

CB Passive Income Elite Pricing

With all of these training components and included DFY tools, how much does CB Passive Income Elite cost?

CB Passive Income Elite is advertised to be valued at $25,000. The claim is that it would cost twenty-five grand to build this type of product today. 

Notice, he didn’t say how much he spent to build CBIE. Patric just gives you the estimated value of the cost of the product. 

Pro Tip: Custom software development prices vary from $2,000 to $250,000. (Source: Quora.) It takes specialized skills, technology and people to build a technology product. Although, building technology is so much easier today than it was 10 years ago, there are still costs involved. 

For the price you will pay, here is what CB Passive Income Elite costs today:

  • Regular price: $497 one time payment

However, there is a discounted price at the time of this review. 

  • Current discount: $297 one time payment 

And if you go to the cart, start to click away, you’ll receive another offer for:

  • Special 3 month offer: $99 for 3 months

Special Note: These prices can change at any time. The discount and special offers can expire at any time. Patric Chan is always experimenting with prices and special offers to see which ones make more sales. 

Additional CB Passive Income Elite Price details:

  • Free Trial Available? No
  • Free or Freemium Version Available? No
  • Premium Consulting/Integration Services Available? No
  • Entry-level set up fee? No
  • Additional Upsells? Yes

CB Passive Income Elite Review Upsells

As of right now, there are two additional digital products you can also buy. (In addition to CB Passive Income Elite.) 

You will see these products listed on the checkout cart page. 

  •  Contentaire Private Label License Package: $97
  • L1nk Track: $11.60

Contentaire Private Label License Package Upsell

Contentaire Private Label License Package is a digital product add on. You learn how to make money from selling courses and ebooks online. Contentaire Private Label License Package includes 700 pages of templates, swipe files, checklists, case studies, training manuals, and idea starters to help you create an info-product. 

Contentaire Private Label License Package currently sells for $397 on creatingoffers.com. But Patric Chan offers you a discounted price of $97.

L1nk Track Upsell 

L1nk Track is another digital product add on. You get a link tracking tool that helps you track your clicks, split test your offers and GEO-redirects. 

L1nk Track currently sells for $29 on 1nk.com. But Patric offers you a discounted price of $11.60.

Pro Tip: I personally would not buy these add on products right away. You can always add these products later if you decide you need them. 

Additional CBIE Product Details

When considering buying CB Passive Income Elite, here are additional product details you should know. 

CB Passive Income Elite Enrollment Period

The availability of this affiliate marketing training course is always open. You can join at any time. 

  • Enrollment Status: Open
  • Availability: Always open 

You can take the time to research and think about it before investing in this product.

CB Passive Income Elite Cancellation Policy

If you pay a one time cost, you don’t need to cancel anything. 

If you choose an option like the 3 months at $99, you will need to cancel your payment before your 3 months end. To cancel your subscription, you have to email Chris or contact the support team through the online portal.

CB Passive Income Elite Refund Policy

CB Passive Income Elite program provides a 100% 30-day money-back guarantee. 

CB Passive Income Elite Review 30 Day Money Back Guarantee

If you buy CBIE and decide its not the right product for you, you can contact the support team to request a refund within thirty days of your purchase. 

CB Passive Income Elite Support Options

CB Passive Income Elite Login

The login address for CB Passive Income Elite is:

You need to buy the product in order to log in.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does CB Passive Income work?

Here are real CB Passive Income Reviews from other people who have purchased CBI.

  • Brendan says CB Passive Income worked for him. He used some of the paid traffic and free traffic methods explained in the videos. Brendan had some success with CBI.
  • Collin purchased CB Passive Income. Without using paid ads, he was able to get 4 email sign-ups in 2 days.

Lead source: Leadsleap.com

What Type of Affiliate Products will I Promote with CB Passive Income Elite?

You will be promoting Internet and Online Marketing related products. You’ll also have the option to promote CB Passive Income Elite to others for affiliate commissions. 

This is the one thing you need to know before you buy. If you are NOT interested in promoting Make Money Online (MMO) products, then CB Passive Income Elite may not be right for you. 

CB Passive Income Elite Affiliate Program

Does CB Passive Income Elite have an affiliate program? Yes. 

Affiliate Program Details:

Pros & Cons


  • The Done For You Concept 
  • You are not starting from scratch
  • Can launch affiliate campaigns quicker
  • Includes training and tools in one place
  • You learn advanced marketing skills


  • You will be promoting mostly internet and online marketing products
  • The advanced marketing strategies taught are hard for complete beginners
  • You will be trained to buy Solo ads and Facebook ads to drive traffic (additional costs)
  • Your true out of pocket costs are higher than the initial $297 price (because of the suggestion to buy ads for quicker results)

Should You Buy or Not Buy?

The marketing strategies that CB Passive Income Elite teaches, can work.

Whether you actually make money with CB Passive Income Elite or any affiliate marketing program is ultimately up to you. 

With CB Passive Income Elite, you will be learning a lot of different marketing skills all at once. (e.g. email marketing, landing pages, sales funnels, solo ads, and Facebook ads).

Learning these all at once is a bit complicated. So CBIE strives to help you by providing ready-made content for you.

I personally do not recommend these strategies for a complete beginner.

The number of components you need to connect together just to make a sale can be a bit overwhelming at first.

But regardless of what I say, the decision is ultimately yours.

CB Passive Income Elite Alternatives

If you haven’t made your mind up about CBIE, take a look at these other affiliate marketing training options.

ClickBank Breaks the Internet is another DFY option. It is 10 times more expensive but includes Webinar technology for an additional step in your sales funnels.

ClickBank Breaks the Internet Review

ClickBank University is an alternate affiliate marketing training course that teaches you similar strategies as CB Passive Income. At just $47 per month, you can save money on the training upfront to spend on your ads.

ClickBank University 2.0 Review

Wealthy Affiliate is a third affiliate marketing training course option. Also at $47 per month, you will learn a different affiliate marketing business model that doesn’t require as much upfront cost for ads.

How to Save $5,624 with Wealthy Affiliate

Got Questions?

Feel free to leave them below. I’d love to hear from you.