Next Generation Affiliate 3 Review – The Most Complete Affiliate System Available Today by Matt Garrett and Tony Marriott?

Welcome to my Next Generation Affiliate 3 review!

If you buy products from WarriorPlus or JVZoo and have a WordPress website, you’ve probably heard of Matt Garrett. Matt is known for releasing WordPress plugins and marketing tools on Muncheye, all the time.

Matt’s latest product launch is Next Generation Affiliate 3. Next Generation Affiliate claims to be “the most complete affiliate system and marketing guide available” today.

If you are looking to find success online as an affiliate marketer, then Next Generation Affiliate 3 may be right for you.

Heads ups: I’m not associated with Next Generation Affiliate in any form. Instead, I’m here to provide an honest review of whether this training is worth your money, or not.

Next Generation Affiliate 3 Review Summary

This Next Generation Affiliate 3 review will show inside the affiliate marketing training system before you buy it.

Read my full review to learn:

  • Why if you are looking for video training, this training is NOT right for you
  • The strategies behind this system and why they are solid
  • Pros and cons of learning these multiple strategies at once

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Next Generation Affiliate Overview

Product Name: Next Generation Affiliate

Product Creators: Matt Garrett and Tony Marriott

Product Categories: Affiliate Marketing Training

Strategies: Video Marketing, Facebook, Affiliate Website, Email Marketing

Product Objective: To provide you with a complete affiliate training system based on what’s working for other successful affiliate marketers today.

Price: $17 – $27 During Product Launch, October 27 – November 2, 2020

Free Trial or Free Version: No

Upsells: Yes

Recommended: Yes (But here’s free affiliate marketing training to try first before you pay)

Would I buy it? Yes. I did.

Who is it for? Someone who has tried affiliate marketing but has had no success yet.

What is Next Generation Affiliate 3?

Next Generation Affiliate Review Introduction
Next Generation Affiliate Introduction

Next Generation Affiliate is an affiliate marketing training guide. Although this training has been around a while, this is not just an update. This is a brand new version.

Next Generation Affiliate 3 has been written from the ground up to teach you modern-day affiliate marketing best practices that work in today’s time.

The goal is to teach you how to become a professional affiliate marketing with the potential of building a long term business online.

NGA 3 stands for Next Generation Affiliate. It is referred to as a complete affiliate training system.

Who are Matt Garrett and Tony Marriott?

People behind Next Generation Affiliate: Matt Garrett and Tony Marriott

Matt and Tony are partners in the product launch Next Generation Affiliate 3 (third version).

Matt Garrett is the product launch expert. He started making money online in 2000 and went full time 5 years later, in 2005. Since then, he has managed more than 50 product launches across several platforms, generating millions of dollars for him and his partners.

Tony Marriott is the original creator of the Next Generation Affiliate training guide. He’s been doing affiliate marketing for 10 years. After nearly losing his online business to Google updates, Tony created Next Generation Affiliate to provide a clear system of what you need to be a successful affiliate marketer today.

Inside Next Generation Affiliate

Check out Next Generation Affiliate 3 for yourself.

In this demo video, I show inside the training area so you know exactly what you are getting if you buy this product.

The Affiliate Marketing Strategies You’ll Learn

The Next Generation Affiliate system teaches you how to:

  1. Use YouTube Channel and Facebook page for traffic
  2. Send that traffic to a niche blog for email capture and affiliate sales
  3. Use a free Aweber account for autoresponder and email follow up.

The training includes full explanations and detailed build-out guides for the Facebook Page, YouTube channel, and landing pages.

The training also comes with a niche blog template and installation guide with how to find and create the right type of content that works to help you get more affiliate sales.

15 Training Modules on Everything Affiliate Marketing

Next Generation Affiliate Review 15 Training Modules
Next Generation Affiliate 15 Training Modules

As of this writing, The Next Generation Affiliate 3 training comes with 15 training modules, plus bonus training and tools.

  • Introduction (to Affiliate Marketing)
  • Affiliate Marketing Philosophy
  • Types of Affiliate Marketing
  • Choosing a Niche
  • Choosing a Network
  • Your Lead System
  • Understanding Funnels
  • Content that Drives Traffic
  • Build Your Affiliate System
  • Create Compelling Content
  • Never Ending Content
  • Email Marketing
  • Compliance
  • Driving Free Traffic
  • Free Tools & Additional Training Resources

Training Features

  • Full detailed PDF guides
  • Downloadable PDFs
  • Checklists
  • Free templates

$17 – $27 During 2020 Product Launch

If you were to buy Next Generation Affiliate today, you can get this training guide for $17 – $27 during the October 27 – November 2, 2020 product launch.

How To Get Started with Next Generation Affiliate

You can buy the Next Generation Affiliate training at any time on WarriorPlus. Then you’ll want to read every PDF guide for every training module. Approximately 150+ pages of content, not including the bonus guides and checklists.

How to Promote Next Generation Affiliate Program

Next Generation Affiliate Affiliate Program

If it makes sense for you to promote Next Generation Affiliate as an affiliate, you will need to request approval. Be advised, you may not get approved if you do not have any affiliate sales.

To help increase your chances of approval (but no guarantees), be sure to include a message on how you are going to drive sales to this training.

For Example:

I will promote Next Generation Affiliate by ranking a review post on my blog and creating helpful training tips and tricks based on what I learn from the training.

Then be sure to do those things. Follow through with what you say you’re going to do.

Who is Next Generation Affiliate 3 for?

Although it’s stated to be for beginners, the Next Generation Affiliate marketing training system may be overwhelming for complete beginners.

Next Generation Affiliate 3 is best suited for anyone who has tried affiliate marketing but has yet to make any real money online.

This training is right for you if:

  • You are guilty of buying multiple products with no success. Next Generation is a solid training guide combining multiple strategies together to make things work.
  • If you can handle building out a diverse affiliate marketing system. This means multiple paths to bring in your traffic, a way of capturing email addresses, and various methods of promoting your affiliate links that lead to sales.

The Introduction training PDF talks about how it is a lot harder to create a solid affiliate business today, compared to 10 years ago when Tony Marriott started his affiliate marketing journey.

If you are easily overwhelmed by the thought of learning, creating, and managing multiple strategies at once, Next Generation Affiliate 3 may be too overwhelming for you. This affiliate marketing system is for serious success seekers only.

How Do You Make Money with Next Generation Affiliate?

By putting in the work. No push button software promise in 24 hours here.

Once you read all 120+ pages of this training, you will need to invest the time and money for the resources to implement what you learn.

The money (over time after lots of work and dedication) will come from:

  • building out a YouTube channel
  • learning how to create videos for your YouTube channel
  • building out a Facebook page
  • Launching a blog with landing pages to capture email addresses
  • follow up sequence emails with affiliate offers (to make affiliate sales)

What I Like About Next Generation Affiliate?

Solid Strategies Taught

The strategies you are taught in this affiliate marketing training are solid.

The combination of YouTube and Facebook to drive traffic to your affiliate offers and email lists are strategies used by today’s Super Affiliates.

The Free Tools and Resources Module

Training module number 15 is the free tools and resources module. Here you will find a 20-page guide on nothing but free and paid resources to help you create your online business.

This module covers tools on everything from productivity tools, graphics and photo editors, screen recorders, video editors, SEO tools, free images, email software, and more.

The Checklists Bonuses

I personally love checklists. That’s why I created these affiliate marketing checklists for you (and me). Checklists are great for reminding you of the important steps you need to do.

The traffic checklists included in the Next Generation Affiliate early bonus section cover step by step instructions for Email, Facebook, Blog SEO, YouTube, Keyword Research, and more.

These checklists will help you as you learn each step in this affiliate marketing system.

Know Before You Buy NGA3

Reading Training, Not Watching Training

The Next Generation Affiliate training consists of PDF guides for reading and downloading. The training format is not videos compared to other affiliate marketing training courses available today.

If you’re looking specifically for a video training course, check out this free training here. 20 hours of free training covering these topics and more!

This Diverse Affiliate System is Not For Everyone

Not everyone can handle learning or implementing the diverse affiliate system all at once.

Although these are absolutely the right strategies for you to learn, they are complex to learn in the beginning.

Next Generation Affiliate claims to be different b3cause of this. The fact that it’s not built on just one strategy, which is usually recommended for complete beginners.

No Sneak Peak Before You Buy

The video on the sales page does not show you any of the training materials. It is just a “sales vide letter” talking you through the copy on the sales page.

If you want to see the actual training area and PDF guides, be sure to watch my Next Generation Affiliate demo above. I purchased this so I could personally show you inside!

Is Next Generation Affiliate a Scam?

No. Next Generation Affiliate system is NOT a scam.

It is totally legit. The training contains valuable insights, tips, and tricks designed to provide a chance at succeeding with affiliate marketer.

And it comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee.

If you are not completely satisfied after buying Next Generation Affiliate, you can request your money back within 30 days of purchase.

Buy Next Generation Affiliate 3 training if you are interested in learning:

  • 4 key elements of a successful long term system
  • 2 types of potential customers and which one is more likely to buy from you
  • the one step that most affiliates miss and contribute to their failure
  • which type of affiliate marketing is the best for beginners
  • how to make more money with good sales funnels

How I Successfully Make Money Online

I hope this Next Generation Affiliate 3 Review helps you understand if this training is right for you, or not.

I know you can have success with the right attitude, mindset, work ethic, training and mentorship. That’s how I have successfully made money online through affiliate marketing.

If you are serious about achieving your own affiliate marketing success, click here!

Get Unstuck With This FREE 12 Step Action Plan For Affiliate Marketing =>