18 Online Marketing Courses Free During Coronavirus 2020 ($1000+ Free Training)

Got extra time on your hands because of the Coronavirus? Level up your money making skills with these 18 online marketing courses free for a limited time!

Right now, entrepreneurs and course creators are offering you more than 51 hours of free training! (Saving you more than a $1000 dollars!) If you use your downtime wisely, you can learn online marketing skills that can pay you well in the future.

Take advantage of these free training courses while you can. Why not use this time to learn how to tap into a multi-billion dollar industry! (We all want a piece of this money pie.)

Heads Up: Don’t wait to start training. Start today. I don’t know when these “free” offers are going to expire. Today, you can binge watch for free. Tomorrow, you may have to pay for these courses again. (And fork out $1000+ dollars…) So get to it.

1. Blogging For Business

Blogging for Business is a free online marketing course on YouTube. This course will teach you how to make money online with a blog. Normally priced at $799, you can take this online video course completely free. Blogging for Business was created for members of Ahrefs for SEO and keyword research.

What You will Learn in Blogging for Business

  • The true potential and power of owning of blog
  • The same tactics used to grow ahrefs.com to 100,000 visits per month
  • The #1 reason why most blogs fail, so you know how to make your blog succeed
  • How to convert blog traffic into leads, because sales are more important than traffic
  • The #1 Mistake New Bloggers Make, so you can avoid 

Blogging for Business Course Features

  • Training Time: 4 hours
  • Training Type: Videos on YouTube
  • Course Length: 10 Lessons, 41 Videos

Sample Blogging for Business Course Topics

  • Blogging for Business: What Should You Focus On? 
  • How to Grow Your Blog: Two Strategies That Work
  • How to Determine the Traffic Potential of a Keyword
  • How Hard is it to Rank in Google?
  • How to Find Great Blog Topics to Write About

2. All-around SEO Training

All-around SEO training

All-around SEO training is a free training course on Search Engine Optimization. This course is created by Yoast SEO, a very well known SEO website plugin built by SEO experts. All-around SEO training is for anyone who wants to build a blog or improve the rankings on a current website. It’s “free for now”.

What You Will Learn in All-around SEO Training

  • Practical SEO skills for all aspects of SEO that work
  • How to rank your content on page 1, spot 1
  • How to optimize your website and content to avoid costly mistakes
  • Tips to rank higher and get more readers and sell more online
  • What keywords to target to get buying visitors
  • Why site structure is extremely important to help rankings

The All-around SEO Training Course Features

  • Training Time: 2 – 3 hours
  • Training Type: Videos, Written tutorials, Quizzes
  • Course Length: 25 lessons, 40 Videos

Sample All-around SEO Training Course Topics

  • Introduction to SEO
  • Keyword Research
  • SEO Copywriting
  • Site Structure
  • Optimizing Images

Pro Tip: I currently make 4 figures from SEO. Optimizing content for search engine traffic is a really powerful skill to learn.

3. Smart From Scratch

smart from scratch online marketing courses free for a limited time

Smart from Scratch is an online marketing training course created by Pat Flynn. Pat Flynn is very well known and successful affiliate marketer. (He invented the idea of publishing income reports to show how much money he’s made millions with affiliate marketing.) Pat’s Smart from Scratch course is normally $247. But you can access it free right now, for a limited time. This course is for aspiring to be marketers who also want to make an impact in the business world.

What You Will Learn in Smart from Scratch

  • How to develop an idea that works for you
  • Defining a business idea so you can pursue the most profitable option
  • Developing a business plan to know what you need to do
  • Creating proper channels to pre-sell your products
  • How to get your first customer and make your first sale

Smart from Scratch Course Features

  • Training Time: 2 hours, 55 minutes
  • Training Type: On-Demand Videos
  • Course Length: 21 Lessons, 20 Videos

Sample Smart from Scratch Course Topics

  • Figuring Out Your Top Idea
  • Discovering Your Niche
  • Researching Your Customers
  • Positioning Your Business Idea
  • Reaching Out for First Interaction

4. Essential Skills for Entrepreneurs

essential skills for entrepreneurs free online marketing courses

The Essential Skills for Entrepreneurs course teaches you about the 5 most important skills every business owner should have. The modules take a generic approach, so you can relate to the lessons regardless of the industry you are in. This online training course has five different modules, each focusing on one skill.

What You Will Learn in Essential Skills for Entrepreneurs

  • How to apply the right marketing strategies for your business
  • Converting your audience into actual paying customers
  • Creating value for your business and delivering it to your market
  • Building a team that will help you overcome obstacles and blind spots
  • The basics of running a business without going bankrupt

Essential Skills for Entrepreneurs Course Features

  • Training Time: 4 hours, 30 minutes
  • Training Type: On-Demand Videos
  • Course Length: 30 Lessons

Sample Essential Skills for Entrepreneurs Course Topics

  • Module 1: Marketing
  • Module 2: Sales
  • Module 3: Value Creation & Delivery
  • Module 4: Team Building
  • Module 5: Finance

5. Build Your Own brand

build your brand online marketing courses free

Build Your Own Brand is another course designed by Pat Flynn. The course is free and teaches you how to start your online marketing business. This course is for web entrepreneurs who want to launch a website for their brand.

What You Will Learn in Build Your Own Brand

  • How to choose a brand name
  • Build your own website around your own brand
  • What makes a successful brand
  • The correct process of setting up your website’s backend
  • Setup process for Google Analytics and Google Search Console
  • Create a temporary logo as a placeholder
  • Identify which social media pages are appropriate for your brand
  • How to write content for your site
  • The basics of building a mailing list

Build Your Own Brand Course Features

  • Training Time: 3 hours, 44 minutes
  • Training Type: On-Demand Videos
  • Course Length: 18 Lessons, 17 Videos

Sample Build Your Own Brand Course Topics

  • Day One: Brand Camp
  • Day Two: Backend Essentials
  • Day Three: Frontend Essentials
  • Day Four: Social Media
  • Day Five: Setting Up for Success

6. Passion to Profit

passion to profit free online marketing courses

Passion to Profit teaches you how to make money online through digital publishing. This course talks about the secrets to Anik Singal’s digital marketing success. Passion to Profit explains why other online marketing business models do not become successful.

What You Will Learn in Passion to Profit

  • The 7 important steps to start your digital publishing company from your home
  • Why blogging, pay-per-click, and affiliate marketing do not yield significant returns
  • Digital publishing and how you can earn high profits from this industry
  • Learning and applying proven strategies and techniques to avoid common mistakes
  • Using Profit Multipliers to your advantage

Passion to Profit Course Features

  • Training Time: 1 – 2 Hours
  • Training Type: On-Demand Videos
  • Course Length: 50 Lessons

Sample Passion to Profit Course Topics

  • The 7 Simple Steps To Turning Your Passion Into Rewarding Profit
  • Chapter 1: My Accidental Journey
  • Chapter 2: The Right Time
  • Chapter 3: The Simplicity
  • Chapter 4: The Success

7. Traffic Geniuses

traffic geniuses online marketing courses free

Traffic Geniuses covers essential things you need to know about web advertising. It teaches different ways of driving traffic and generating interest in your products. It’s created for people who want to learn the best practices in internet advertising.

What You Will Learn in Traffic Geniuses

  • Various ways to drive traffic to your website or generate interest in your product
  • Key things to know to ensure your Facebook ads are effective
  • The essentials of Youtube advertising and making the most of this still-untapped market
  • How to get people’s attention on social media
  • Delivering your message to larger audiences through with the help of Instagram influencers

Traffic Geniuses Course Features

  • Training Time: 5 hours
  • Training Type: On-Demand Videos
  • Course Length: 59 Lessons

Sample Course Topics

  • Facebook Advertising
  • Youtube Advertising
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Influence Marketing
  • Google Display Ads

8. The Email Lifeline

the email lifeline online marketing courses free

The Email Lifeline course teaches the value of using email marketing to promote your products. It contains essential lessons on Email Marketing and how you can use it in your business. The course also includes real-life examples and case studies of entrepreneurs.

What You Will Learn in The Email Lifeline Digital Classroom

  • An introduction to Email Marketing and Email Marketing as a business model
  • The 2 elements that comprise an email list
  • How to use free and investment traffic in building your email list
  • Picking products that will actually make you money
  • The 3 different types of offers and how to promote each one of them

The Email Lifeline Course Features

  • Training Time: It depends on your preferred pace
  • Training Type: On-Demand Videos
  • Course Length: 85 lessons

Sample Course Topics

  • 5 Reasons Email Traffic Is Better Than All Other Traffic
  • What Are Email Leads Worth To Your Business?
  • Key Email Marketing Lingo
  • The Email Marketing Business
  • Email Marketing Secrets and Case Studies

9. Affiliate Marketing Bootcamp

affiliate marketing bootcamp free online marketing courses

Affiliate Marketing Bootcamp teaches you all about affiliate marketing. You get the chance to learn from Anthony Morrison, who is another well known affiliate marketer in the space today. (He was recently one of the 40 marketers featured in an elite 24-hour marketing cast-a-thon.) The Affiliate Marketing Bootcamp is for anyone looking to make money online as an affiliate marketer.

What You Will Learn in Affiliate Marketing Bootcamp

  • Why you should choose affiliate marketing
  • How to make money online as an affiliate marketer
  • Pros and cons of different types of affiliate offers
  • Why affiliates fail in the first place

The FB Bootcamp Course Features

  • Training Time: 2 hours, 57 minutes
  • Training Type: On-Demand Videos
  • Course Length: 8 lessons

Sample Affiliate Marketing Bootcamp Course Topics

  • Why Affiliate Marketing?
  • CPL, CPA, and CPC Offers
  • Affiliate Networks and Offers
  • Why Affiliates Fail

10. FB Bootcamp

FB bootcamp online marketing courses free

FB Bootcamp teaches how to get started with Facebook ads. When done right, Facebook ads can be a profitable way to sell products or services online. This 8-Part course is for anyone who wants to learn how to use Facebook for profits.

What You Will Learn in FB Bootcamp

  • How to make money through Facebook Ads
  • The right way to setup your account for future success
  • How Facebook Pixels help to increase sales
  • What a good funnel and landing page looks like
  • The only ad types you need to use over and over

The FB Bootcamp Course Features

  • Training Time: 2 hours, 30 minutes
  • Training Type: On-Demand Videos
  • Course Length: 10 lessons

Sample FB Bootcamp Course Topics

  • Setting Up For Facebook Advertising
  • Killer Landing Pages & Funnels
  • Mastering Objectives & Targeting
  • The Most Powerful Types Of Ads
  • Creating A High-Converting Ad
  • Secrets To Launching & Optimizing For Results

11. Circle of Profit

circle of profit online marketing courses free

This Circle of Profit course serves as a guide in starting your own digital publishing business. It is available for free with instant access to lessons as soon as you sign up for the program.

What You Will Learn in Circle of Profit Classroom

  • A proper introduction to the digital publishing industry
  • How you can start your own digital publishing business
  • Finding a topic you can write about
  • Gathering information and reference materials for your topic
  • Monetizing the information that you have

Circle of Profit Classroom Course Features

  • Training Time: It depends on your preferred pace
  • Training Type: On-Demand Videos
  • Course Length: 117 Lessons

Sample Circle of Profit Classroom Course Topics

  • What Is A Digital Publishing Business?
  • Finding Your Profitable Passion
  • The Key Elements To Starting Your Business
  • Talking To Your Audience
  • The 3 Parts to Creating A $1 Million Information Product

As a bonus, this particular course also comes with three bonus programs.

12. Laws of Success

laws of success free online marketing courses

The Laws of Success is a self-development course that guides you to your own path to greatness. It teaches how you can identify your strengths and skills and best use them to your own advantage. The course also includes The 2-Minute Life Transformation and The Success Triad modules.

What You Will Learn in Laws of Success

  • The 12 Laws of Success that will help set you up for greatness
  • Identifying your strengths and honing them
  • Understanding your relationships and making connections wherever you go
  • How to create many streams of income on your way to financial freedom
  • How to enjoy every moment of your success

Laws of Success Course Features

  • Training Time: 15 hours, 12 minutes
  • Training Type: On-Demand Videos
  • Course Length: 29 Lessons

Sample Laws of Success Course Topics

  • Leverage Your Gifts and Talents
  • Let Go Of Your F.E.A.R.
  • Locate Your Team Members
  • Create Multiple Streams of Income
  • The 2 Minute Life Transformation

13. Peak Performance

peak performance online marketing courses free

This course focuses on improving your productivity and eliminating procrastination from your habits. It includes lessons that teach you how to focus on your tasks and get rid of distractions. This course, which is free for a limited time, is especially beneficial to people who work from home.

What You Will Learn in Peak Performance

  • Discovering your purpose by listing down your “Whats” and “Whys”
  • The difference between being effective and being efficient and how to practice both
  • The Parkinson’s Law on setting deadlines for yourself and beating them
  • Habits you need to cultivate to become productive
  • Productivity tips when working from home

Peak Performance Course Features

  • Training Time: 1 hour, 43 minutes
  • Training Type: On-Demand Videos
  • Course Length: 14 Lessons

Sample Peak Performance Course Topics

  • Productivity 101
  • Purpose Over Productivity
  • Effective vs Efficient
  • 15 Productivity Amplifiers
  • Working From Home

14. SEO Crash Course

free online marketing seo crasch course

SEO Crash Course is for online entrepreneurs trying to master search engine optimization. It provides a walkthrough on how you can master the art of SEO and make it work for your website. The course is available for free when you sign up on Lurn.com.

What You Will Learn in SEO Crash Course

  • What SEO is and why it matters to your business
  • Determining your website’s SEO status and preparing it for optimization
  • How SERPs work and how you can make it to the first page of search results
  • Finding keywords that will help make your website stand out
  • Effective ways on how to achieve high search engine rankings

SEO Crash Course Features

  • Training Time: 2 hours, 56 minutes
  • Training Type: On-Demand Videos
  • Course Length: 6 Modules, 16 Lessons

Sample SEO Crash Course Topics

  • What is SEO?
  • SEO Health Check
  • Understanding SERPs
  • Keyword Search
  • Optimization

15. Office for Entrepreneurs

office for entrepreneurs online marketing courses free

Office for Entrepreneurs teaches how to create professional image for your business. This course focuses on the idea that image defines your business and the type of customers you attract. Office for Entrepreneurs shows you how to use templates to design professional documents.

What You Will Learn in Office for Entrepreneurs

  • The 4 elements of a well-designed and professional-looking document
  • Turning Word templates into eye-catching documents that you can use for your business
  • Using PowerPoint to pitch your business to potential business partners and clients
  • How to use the CRAP model for your Excel spreadsheets
  • Creating checklists, expense reports, analyses, and invoices for your business

Office for Entrepreneurs Course Features

  • Training Time: 2 hours, 48 minutes
  • Training Type: On-Demand Videos
  • Course Length: 26 Lessons

Sample Office for Entrepreneurs Course Topics

  • Elements of a Well-Designed Document
  • Documents for Entrepreneurs
  • Elements of a Well-Designed PowerPoint
  • Spreadsheet Design
  • Using Excel Templates

16. 0 – 100 Email Challenge

The 0-100 Email Challenge shows you how to build a mailing list and attract subscribers. The course is free and it runs in a span of 3 days with one set of instructions emailed to each day. The Email Challenge email series is for people who want to create and grow their mailing list to reach make more sales.

What You Will Learn in 0-100 Email Challenge

  • How to start an email list for your website
  • Step-by-step instructions to attract email subscribers
  • Convincing prospects why they should sign up to be part of your email list
  • Growing your email list from 0 to 100 and beyond
  • Maintaining momentum and keeping people on your list

0-100 Email Challenge Features

  • Training Time: 3 days
  • Training Type: Emails
  • Course Length: 1 set of instructions sent per day

In the first email, you will get a free quick start guide to help you get started.

17. Let Go: How to Transform Moments of Panic into a Life of Profits and Purpose

let go free online marketing book

Pat Flynn shares his personal experiences in this book, Let Go: How to Transform Moments of Panic into a Life of Profits and Purpose. Pat talks about the time he lost a stable job and what he did to transform his life. It is a digital book downloadable for free in PDF format. ‘Let Go’ serves as a motivational guide for people who are in the same situation as Pat once was 12 years ago.

What You Will Learn in Let Go

  • Pat Flynn’s personal journey of losing his job to becoming a successful entrepreneur
  • Business strategies and tactics that could be helpful for aspiring entrepreneurs
  • Other lessons and content that Pat Flynn shared through podcasts, blogs, and interviews
  • How to transform a scary situation into something beneficial to your career
  • How to let go of the belief that you have to be in control of everything that’s happening in your life

Let Go Book Features

  • Training Type: Digital book in PDF
  • Course Length: 168 pages

Sample Let Go Book Topics

  • Letting Go By Circumstance
  • Letting Go By Choice
  • The Mindset
  • The Machine
  • The Methods

18. Will It Fly? How to Test Your Next Business Idea so You Don’t Waste Your Time and Money

will it fly free online marketing book

Will It Fly? How to Test Your Next Business Idea so You Don’t Waste Your Time and Money tells you how to concoct a business idea and test its market viability. It’s in a downloadable digital format with a free online companion course. Both the book and the companion course are available on the Smart Passive income website.

What You Will Learn in Will It Fly?

  • How to conceptualize your own business idea
  • Defining and refining your idea down to the last detail
  • Figuring out which market niche your idea will thrive best
  • Building your Customer P.L.A.N.
  • Validating if your methods work for your business

Will It Fly? Book Features

  • Training Time: 30 minutes for the Companion Course
  • Training Type: Digital book in PDF format with an online companion course
  • Course Length: 168 Pages, 19 Lessons, 6 Videos

Sample Will It Fly? Book Topics

  • Mission Design
  • The Airport Test
  • The History Test
  • The Shark Bait Test
  • The Validation Method


Now is a premium time to leverage these free online marketing courses to learn skills that can be very profitable in the future.

After only a few hours of training each day, you will learn everything you need to know for building a successful business online.

Sign up for one or all courses now. You will get instant access to the modules so you can begin your journey to a brighter future in online marketing.

Got Questions?

Feel free to ask questions or comment below.