67 Affiliate Marketing Domain Names

No matter how you do affiliate marketing, at some point you will need to buy a website domain.

Regardless if you plan to build out a full blown website full of helpful content, guides and reviews.

Or if you just plan to build a simple one page website set up for paid traffic to send qualified traffic to your lead magnet and affiliate offer.

It doesn’t matter.

What matters is, there are 1001 different ways to find good domain names for affiliate marketing.

After buying 50+ affiliate marketing domain names for a variety of niches, I’m sharing my easy way of finding good domains.

Then I’m sharing 67 affiliate marketing domains that I’ve found along the way.

Use these ideas to help you find your perfect domain name for your affiliate website 🙂

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67 Domain Names for Affiliate Marketing Quick Links

How To Find Good Affiliate Marketing Domains

The last thing you want to do is to choose a bad domain name for your affiliate marketing website.

So how do you make sure you choose a good one?

First, start off by using my favorite free domain research tool.

This tool is completely free to use and will help you get the ideas flowing.

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My Favorite Free Domain Name Research Tool

LeanDomainSearch.com is my favorite free domain name research tool.

I use this free tool to help me get domain name ideas for any affiliate niche.

Related: What is Lean Domain Search

How to Use Lean Domain Search to Find Domain Names

Here is how to use Lean Domain Search to find good domain names.

Watch this video below to see me walk you through this step by step.

Then read below for step by step instructions:

  1. Go to https://leandomainsearch.com/
  2. Type in one word relevant to your niche
    • Examples:
      • affiliate
      • money
      • health
      • crypto
      • music
      • piano
      • guitar
  3. Review the results
    • A listed domains are available .com extension
  4. Toggle the filters to see different results

Here’s what these steps look like inside Lean Domain Search.

1. Go to Lean Domain Search .com

2. Type in one word relevant to your niche

For example:


For a pet > dog niche related affiliate website

3. Review the results

4. Toggle the Filters to see different results

Sort Results by

  • Popularity
  • Length
  • Alphabetical

Search Term Filter

  • All
  • Starts with search term
  • Ends with search term

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5 Tips to Choosing The Best Domain Name for Affiliate Marketing

As mentioned earlier, you really want to choose a good domain name for affiliate marketing.

Because after all, this domain name will last the life of your niche affiliate business.

The last thing you want is to choose a domain name that is too long, doesn’t make sense for your niche or just isn’t right for your affiliate marketing business.

So, here are 5 pro tips that will guide you to choosing the best domain name for your affiliate marketing business that will last you for years to come.

1. Buy a .com extension

.com is still to this day, the most common and popular domain extension you can buy.

Yes, there are plenty of sites that end with .net, .org., site, .online, etc.

However, the preference is to get a .com domain name because people are more likely to remember the .com extension more than any other extension.

Just think, if someone types in affiliateshortcuts.com but your website is affiliateshortcuts.biz, that someone just went to another company’s website. And they just got your traffic!

But, if you plan to include links in your communications to your fans and followers like video descriptions and emails, then it doesn’t really matter to much.

People will get to your website by clicking your links.

.com is merely a domain name buying best practice that has been around since the beginning of the internet.

2. Keep name to 2 or 3 words

You want your affiliate marketing domain name to be short and catchy.

The longer the domain name is, the harder it is to remember.

The shorter it is, the easier it is to remember.

Keeping your domain name short also allows it to fit in places where you put it like:

  • your email signature
  • on business cards
  • in YouTube video descriptions

And, you want it to be easily recognizable to your target audience.

In some cases, you will see good affiliate domain names that include 4 words.

And that’s okay.

Just remember to keep your domain name as short as possible so it doesn’t get truncated when you put it out there in the world.

Some places to post your website links don’t give you enough spaces for long domain names.

And your domain name can be cut off.

Rule of thumb is to keep your domain names:

  • short
  • catchy
  • memorable

Strive to keep it to 2 or 3 words. But 4 short worlds is not the end of the world.

3. Use related words to your niche

Be sure to use words that will be recognized by the people you want to target.

For example:

Don’t include the word health if you want to help people make money online.

People who want to learn about health stuff will click on your website domain name, and then be extremely disappointed when your site is not about health, but make money online.

Those people will not convert into buyers for you.

So keep the words in your domain name related and relevant to what your site is about.

You can have more success with your affiliate marketing website by attracting the right people.

4. Make sure domain name is easy to read

It’s important to make sure people can read your domain name.

Stay away from things that can confuse your audience like:

  • abbreviations
  • double letters
  • hyphens
  • underscores

Just keep it simple.

The more simple, the easier it is to remember.

5. Use a thesaurus to come up with new similar words

If you get stuck on coming up with new related words to generate new ideas, then use a thesaurus.

A thesaurus is a great quick way to discover new similar words you can consider in your domain name for additional ideas.

You’ll see how I use different related words to find new domain name ideas below.

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67 Affiliate Marketing Domain Names

Now that you’ve learned how I find good affiliate marketing domains, I will show you some good affiliate marketing domain names I have found along the way.

These domain names cover a variety of niches and micro niches.

Use these affiliate marketing domain name examples for inspiration.

Important Note: Just keep in mind, these domain names were available when I found them. But due to time and publicizing these domains, they may be no longer be available by the time you view this post. If that’s the case, use them for inspiration to find a domain name that is available.

Personal Money Management Domain Names

Niche: Personal Finance > Personal Money Management

Related words:

  • Budget
  • Budgeting
  • Money
  • Finance
  • Financial
  • Money management
  • Money tips
  • Credit

Good affiliate marketing domain names for personal money management:

  1. VersusMoney.com
  2. TargetedMoney.com
  3. CatapultMoney.com
  4. SuperBudgeting.com
  5. DailyBudgeting.com
  6. MaxBudgeting.com
  7. DigitalMoneyTips.com
  8. JustMoneyTips.com
  9. CreativeMoneyTips.com
  10. LoveMoneyTips.com
  11. ExpertFinancialHelp.com
  12. SmartMoneyPlanning.com
  13. PremierCreditServices.com
  14. AwesomeCreditScore.com

Related: 27 DFY Niches for Affiliate Marketing

Make Money Online Domain Names

Niche: Make Money Online (MMO)

Related words:

  • Marketing
  • Digital Marketing
  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Online marketing
  • Podcasts
  • Podcasting
  • Websites
  • Site Building
  • Blogging
  • Blogger
  • Profits

Good affiliate marketing domain names for make money online:

  1. OnlineMarketingIncome.com
  2. BestPodcastSites.com
  3. EasySiteBuilding.com
  4. TopSecretProfits.com
  5. CommissionEarning.com
  6. easywealthcreation.com
  7. affiliatemarketingadventure.com
  8. affiliatemarketingimproved.com
  9. bloggercareer.com
  10. fbmarketingsystem.com

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Smart Home and Home Automation Domain Names

Niche: Smart Home and Home Automation

Related words:

  • Smart home
  • Smarter home
  • Smart homes
  • Home automation

Good affiliate marketing domain names for make money online:

  1. SmarterHomeDesign.com
  2. SmartHomeMode.com
  3. SmartHomeBag.com
  4. SmartHomePerfect.com
  5. SmartHomeMade.com
  6. SmartHomeShortcuts.com
  7. SmartHomesTime.com
  8. HomeAutomationTime.com
  9. HomeAutomationTube.com
  10. MySmartHomeGuides.com
  11. MySmartHomeDesign.com

AI Domain Names

Niche: Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Related words:

  • ai
  • artificial intelligence

Good affiliate marketing domain names for ai:

  1. PlanetEarthAi.com
  2. EasyAiLife.com
  3. BestAiLife.com
  4. FunAiLife.com
  5. FunAiBlog.com
  6. AiLifeBlog.com
  7. LoveAiLife.com
  8. MyAiTips.com
  9. ProAiTips.com

Design Domain Names

Niche: Design

Related words:

  • designs
  • creative
  • creativity
  • tutorials
  • layouts

Good affiliate marketing domain names for ai:

  1. bigbangdesigns.com
  2. beginnerdesigns.com
  3. pixeltutorials.com
  4. yestutorials.com
  5. layoutshortcuts.com
  6. zippydesigns.com

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Additional Affiliate Marketing Domain Names

Home Design Niche Domain Name

  1. AllAboutHomeStaging.com

Buying a Home Niche Domain Name

  1. AdvancedHomeSearch.com

Health & Weight Loss Niche Domain Names

  1. Acupuncture101.com
  2. GreatExerciseBikes.com

Diabetes Niche Domain Names

  1. DiabetesTypeOne.com
  2. EasyDiabeticDesserts.com

Pets Niche Domain Name

  1. CleaningPetHair.com

Weddings Niche Domain Name

  1. EasyWeddingGifts.com

Legal Niche Domain Name

  1. WinningLawsuits.com

Local Marketing Niche Domain Names

  1. FranchiseMarketingTips.com
  2. LocalMarketingMentor.com

Survival Niche Domain Name

  1. AfterTheQuake.com

Coffee Niche Domain Name

  1. AutoCoffeeMachine.com

Beer Niche Domain Name

  1. CraftBeerUsa.com

Food Recipes Niche Domain Name

  1. DeliciousMexicanRecipes.com
  2. RecipeWizards.com

Photography Niche Domain Names

  1. LoveDigitalPhotography.com
  2. DigitalCamerasUnlimited.com
  3. NewFitnessVideos.com

Medical Businesses Niche Domain Name

  1. PremiereMedicalSupply.com

Travel Niche Domain Names

  1. SaturdayBlog.com
  2. ThriftyTravelGuide.com

Gardening Niche Domain Name

  1. VirtualGardenClub.com

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